The Trip 2005

Official blog for a bicycling event conceived to help find a cure for Parkinson's disease

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Meteorology 101

Staggering into the kitchen, I wonder if I'm still dreaming. My television goes on automatically at 4:55 am so I can save my energy hitting the power button on the clicker once I'm awake.

"Currently at the airport we have 64º, and on the north end of town it's a chilly 58º."

I pause, turn the teapot on and wander into the living room, intrigued. The television screen corroborated what ol' Marty was saying. My eyes lit up, and any lingering sign of sleep dissipated immediately.

This would be the first morning in almost six months where I didn't have to wear my winter cycling gear. I had cleaned Elke the previous evening as last week's wet weather had made for a messy ride, and was looking very forward to this morning's jaunt. The ride did not disappoint, even though I hit an inordinate number of red lights (there was no traffic) and was greeted by a headwind most of the way. I only wish I lived further away from work!


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