The Trip 2005

Official blog for a bicycling event conceived to help find a cure for Parkinson's disease

Monday, June 27, 2005


Commuting to work can be a pain in the butt, not because it's not fun, but because it is difficult to get more than one day's worth of clothes to the office without being mistaken for a pack mule. Enter twofers.

Just get two of everything.

Two backpacks, two sets of sunglasses, two sets of house keys, many, many jerseys, and two round trips to work in a day. This way, I can pack two sets of clothes for work in each pack on Mondays and not have to worry about being mistaken for a bicycling Sherpa the rest of the week. It also gets me more miles, much needed miles - experience for my legs and lungs. At 14.8 miles each way, this morning's double was easily the best commute I've ever had. Off at 4:00 am sharp, all lights on and 53ยบ. Not a breath of wind and no traffic (not one car passed me all the way to work).

Upon arriving at work I spent all of three minutes checking in, dropping off backpack no. 1, and hopping back on the horse. The ride back home was equally as enjoyable, but with a slight headwind. Bummer, but I cannot expect to ride 750-something miles and never encounter a headwind. Wichita Falls is famous for wind...

The last leg of the morning commute was a fast one - must be something about being warmed up already. That mountain bike really hauls ass, and I'm already suffering seperation anxiety as the new bike is ready for pickup this evening. Since I cannot ride both bikes at once, and the new bike is more suited for the commute and most likely the entire trip to Dallas, I'll need to ride it a lot more. Did I mention that by taking a month to make my decision on the new wheels, I saved myself upwards of $500?

Pictures coming soon.


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